Love Her Wild x Unscripted Preset Pack

Designed for the Unscripted photographer ready to stretch their wings into the warm sunset, Lauren’s Presets are a collaboration that we’re super proud to be able to offer exclusively through Unscripted. Lauren Philipps from Love Her Wild Photography has refined the art of presets, and we’ve been obsessed with her for ages. The way she effortlessly navigates the world of colour calibration and draws out warm, pink undertones while keeping the true-to-colour skin tones is incredible, and we can’t believe our luck when she agreed to create a custom preset pack just for Unscripted users! We told Lauren that we wanted 4 simple presets for the 4 main lighting situations we come across while editing; sunset, outdoor, indoor, and B&W.
The sunset preset is perfect to accentuate golden hues and delicious skies. Blacks are bold and contrast is high to make your subjects pop against the bright warm light. Skin tones remain warm and dewy, while the rest of the image is warmed up without turning orange. The perfect all rounder preset for any golden hour photoshoot!
This is your wedding day must have preset, no longer fear harsh full day sun, this preset has your back! Harsh shadows and fierce blues are toned down with one click. The outdoor preset works across the board for all situations, use in shade, overcast, and full sun. It’s fresh, crisp, and oh-so-pleasing on the eye. We’re a little bit in love.
The indoor preset brings out the warmth of the image without muddying the whites and casting weird colours onto walls. It’s trendy yet timeless, accentuating the browns and greens and making you want to dive right into the frame. You’ll love using this preset for your indoor family sessions or getting ready photos on a wedding day!
B&W can be as punchy or smooth as you like, maintaining an overall classic feel. Accentuate the mood of your photo or regulate depth and contrast with the ease of a click or two. We didn’t think it was possible to love a B& W preset so much!