Cara Zagni Presets – Moon Pack II


Cara Zagni Presets – Moon Pack II.

I am SO excited to bring you pack two following pack ones massive success!

Moon Pack II is what would happen if Moon Pack I and The Editorial Edit collided! Taking the clean editorial aesthetic and injecting a stylised spin. This pack has been mass tested for all kinds of gear, lighting situations, scenery, and skin colours – to ensure the perfect result!

5 Presets + 16 Piece Toolkit

I have tried to make this pack as easy to use as possible. There is a preset & toolkit for every scenario you may encounter at a wedding!

// Main
// Golden Hour
// Night / Flash
// B&W I
// B&W II

Toolkit Includes:

// Grain Add / Remove
// AI Tools Included
// Autostraighten
// Noise Reduction
// Vignette On / Off


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