Do More Photographers – Client Workflow Templates for Boudoir

Unsure how often to email your clients, what to say, how to make sure they’re getting all of the important info needed before their session? What about a client who misses your scheduled phone consult, or puts off booking? Having a set workflow can make your life so much easier when it comes to client communication. From inquiry to booking and all the way through order completion, a proper organized workflow can make the difference between losing an inquiry and making a booking, as well as transforming your client relationship into one that makes your client feel prepared, well educated and secure in their choice to book you.
Well-educated clients with proper preparation tend to be happier with their experience and having great communication leads to more successful transactions, with clients more likely to refer you. This packet is here to make things easy, help you set up a solid system, and get you on your way to being more organized and successful in no time.
- Required phone consult workflow
- Inquiry to booking
- No consult has yet been scheduled
- 1 day before consult
- After completed consult
- Not booking, thank you
- Missed client consult
- Follow up
- Inquiry close-out
- In person meeting workflow
- Welcome
- 1 day before consult
- After consult, not yet booked
- After consult, not booking
- Email only workflow
- Subsequent followups
- Confirming booking/welcome
- Contract email
- Prep guide and questionnaire instructions
- 30 days prior to session
- 1 week reminder
- Post-session thank you
- Referral card
- Reveal reminder and confirmation
- Reveal thank you
- Order completion and gallery delivery
- Post-session questionnaire or request for review
- Miscellaneous and special situation emails
- Sale client welcome
- Model call welcome
- And more…