Katherine Honeybourne – Boudoir Posing Guide eBook I


Katherine Honeybourne – Boudoir Posing Guide eBook I

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Katherine Honeybourne – Boudoir Posing Guide eBook I

These brilliant downloadable Posing Guides (I & II) for Boudoir photography created by Katherine Honeybourne contain over 300 pages of examples of common mistakes and how to avoid them or turn them into flattering poses, tricks on how to compensate for problem areas and to enhance your clients best features.

1 The Complete Guide to Boudoir Posing

Your time during a boudoir shoot is quite often very limited. The following posing guidelines are designed to be the most flattering and fitting to all women, regardless of body type or comfort level. The poses are tried, tested and true and will get you started, keep your shoots flowing efficiently and enable you to capture enough poses and looks to fill an album and more. The sequential nature of these standards allow you to flow from one pose to the next in a timely, efficient manner capturing a great number of flattering, sellable images.

2 Posing Tips for Boudoir Photographers

Created by Kathy Honeybourne of Honeybourne Intimates, this downloadable guide contains over 300 pages of examples of common mistakes and how to avoid them or turn them into flattering poses, tricks on how to compensate for problem areas and to enhance your clients best features.

Hands, legs, props, detail shots, camera angles and variations of many poses are all covered in-depth. Also included are countless tips on how to make your client look as natural and relaxed as possible and how to get those sexy looks.

3 Over 100 Boudoir Posing Tips!

Also included is a downloadable Quick Reference Posing Guide of over 100 standard poses to which you can add your own creativity.

What Kind of Format is this eBook in?

Boudoir Posing Guide Vol.1 eBook is a downloadable jpeg file, which can be viewed on a number of devices – laptop and desktop computers, iPhone or Android devices, iPads, and other tablets.

For iPad specific users, our eBooks & Bonus Materials are compressed into ZIP files to decrease the size of the package for download. Use the link that you receive upon your purchase to download the ZIP file to your computer first, unzip it using any decompression program on your PC or MAC and then transfer the JPEG files to your iPad via iTunes or Dropbox app, whichever is more convenient for you.

FROM: Katherine Honeybourne

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